Interest rates drop – can it thaw the winter property market?

Interest rates are down – are prices coming up? Auckland sales and prices creep up Buyer activity is on the increase Will this turn into a…

Has the property market hit bottom?

Check this month’s video for the latest: Sales are up but prices drop Selling? A piece of advice real estate agents won’t give you How to…

Property prices – are they in free fall?

Is the Auckland Property market crashing? In this month’s video update we tell you: What’s going on in the market right now and why How you…

Financial tips in lockdown

Now that we’ve been working from home for two weeks (and for many of us a couple more), we’ve more or less gotten into a groove with work and supervising…

Who do I need on board when buying my first home?

You, your partner, the person at the bank and the person selling the property – it’s easy to believe that these are the only people involved in a property…

Am I ready to buy my first home?

Dreaming about your first home is exciting, from conjuring up each room in your dream home and each event that you will host in your new pad. But before…

Setting your financial goals for the new year

No matter how tough the past year was, a new year is an opportunity to reassess your financial goals from wherever you may be starting from. Here are 6…

Five Reasons To Use A Broker

If you’re a first time home buyer or real estate investor, your head may be swimming with the sheer variety and volume of lenders and lending products…

How To Increase Your Home Value

1. Apply a fresh coat of paint.  Time and time again realtors stress that a fresh coat of paint is the easiest way to increase the value of your…

When is the right time to refinance your mortgage?

You’ve seen and heard all the ads. Mortgage rates are at an all-time low! You’re paying too much for your mortgage! Refinance now and save…
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